There’s been a lot of discussion about players self quarantining while on the road in major league baseball.
It was revealed that Cleveland Indians players Clevinger and Plesac violated team rules by leaving the team’s Chicago hotel last weekend. Both are being quarantined, though the Indians don’t think they were near anyone with COVID-19 when they ventured out.
So why do road teams get scrutinized for leaving their hotels to venture out, but home teams do not?
A source close to the Chicago White Sox informed us there are players from both sides of town that have been venturing out.
Per our source:
Five White Sox pitchers were having dinner at Chicago Cut last night, including Dallas Keuchel. Anthony Rizzo had a birthday party at Chicago Cut the previous weekend. Why is that ok, but what Indians guys did is not?
Apparently the rule is at home you can pretty much do what you want, but on the road you can not.
It’s definitely a bit hypocritical. If the baseball season is going to continue safely, players home and away must do their best to stay quarantined. Of course everyone wants to go out and socialize, but all it takes is running into one wrong person for everything to fall apart quickly.
Our source’s intention was not to tattletale, but rather to point out the hypocrisy in MLB’s protocols.
If this story can prevent players from going out, home and away, the season has a much better chance of being completed safely.
Stay home and stay safe, at home and on the road.