New York Yankees slugger Aaron Judge’s girlfriend, Samantha Bracksieck, brought up her boyfriend’s name multiple times during a traffic stop all the way back in February.
As seen in the video below, Bracksieck made several references to Judge during the traffic stop, which ended with her getting arrested:
The arrest occurred on the night of Feb. 25 in Scottsdale, Arizona, after police say they pulled her over for driving without her headlights on.
Bracksieck said she had drank two glasses of wine before driving, and after registering a 0.12 blood alcohol content (BAC) on the breathalyzer, she was arrested and charged with five crimes, including extreme DUI.
Her original pretrial hearing for the DUI Case was postponed, and now it appears she’s changing her plea.
We received info from an inside source:
“Sam’s next court appearance was changed to October 7th, and it’s a change of plea hearing. She originally pleaded not guilty, so she is changing her plea to guilty of something whether it’s the original charges against her or a plea deal with a sentencing pleading guilty of lesser charges, but some type of punishment should be given to her if you are pleading guilty. “

Per TMZ, officers said Bracksieck was administered two more breathalyzer tests at the police station, resulting in readings of 0.169 and 0.181, which are both more than twice the legal limit.
A change is plea is usually a sign of accepting lesser charges, but admitting guilt is probably the way to go considering all the evidence.
We’ll keep an eye on this case as it unfolds.
Check out more of Sam and Aaron below: