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Kendrick Perkins blasts Joel Embiid over issues with NBA restart

Sixers big man Joel Embiid recently voiced his issues over the NBA’s proposed season restart plan, and one of the league’s former players did not take kindly to it.

Kendrick Perkins was known for being an “enforcer” when he played in the league, and it seemed like he was always talking trash to his opponents, whether on the court or on the bench.

And yet somehow, now that he’s working in the media, he’s become even more outspoken, putting players on blast for their words and actions.

Most recently, Perkins took aim at Embiid, who recently stated that he “hated” the idea of the NBA season restart. Here’s what the Sixers center had to say.

“I hated the idea,” he said. “To me, all I want is to stay healthy and stay safe, keep the people around me safe. I want to make sure I’m able to live for a long time and not have any sort of, I don’t know, consequences in the future, from this if I were to be in a situation of getting the virus.”

Well, it turns out that Perkins didn’t agree with Embiid’s sentiments. Here’s how he felt about them, which he stated on ESPN’s “First Take.”

“Do you want to hoop or not? None of the other contenders complained.” Perkins began. “I don’t want to hear all that. To me, this is just an excuse. If they get knocked out, this is gonna be an excuse because their superstar was halfway in, his mental wasn’t there. I’m complaining, I don’t like the idea. Man, go down there and hoop! I ain’t trying to hear that, man. That’s a billion-dollar bubble.”

That opinion has not gone over well among both current and former NBA players. Perkins sure isn’t making any friends with these hot takes.